Norfolk Records Office
Haddiscoe, NFK
A conveyance of 3 acres called "Further Downings Marsh" by Thomas Brightwell, Henry Grimmer and others to Stephen Piggins 1846 with a memorandum that John Rowell, acting trustee and executor of Piggins' will, sold part of this land to Halesworth, Beccles and Haddiscoe Railway Company
?1854; memorandum of agreement between John Rowell, executor of Piggins' will, and Henry Grimmer, to convey part of a marsh called "Downings Marsh" consisting of 3 acres, 1853; conveyance of a piece of marsh land by John Rowell to John Grimmer, Rev, G. F. Nicholas and others feoffees, 1854.
This presumably relates to the 1849 will of the "Stevens Piggin" of Great Yarmouth on the wills page.
Records of Haddiscoe parish: Charities: Bundle of deeds regarding Town lands - ref. PD 208/141
Hackney Archives
Hackney ESS
Lessor of land
Thomas George Corbett to Joseph Piggin, licensed victualler. Premises: No 6 Tower Street and outbuildings. Agreement includes repairs and schedule of work to be carried out room by room. Dated 22 April 1861. - ref. M4404/4 - date: 1861
Corby Tithe Awards
circa 1835
Corby LIN
Owner or lessor of land
- land at north end of High St. in position marked "Miss Boyer" on later map (and probable site of Boyer's Row), H.Y.G. and Close no. 1 occupied by William Boyer and John Weaver; 1 acre 35 perches (tithe 6/4d)
- Pasture Close (meadow) no. 156; 5 acres, 35 perches (tithe 1/7¼d)
- Bull Inn H.Y.G. no. 37; 1 rood, 4 perches (tithe 1/5½d) [both (2) and (3) occupied by William Boyer, Pasture Close was south of the Irnham Road, due east of the church. Bull Inn in the market place.]
- Dryhills Close (arable) no. 123; 11 acres, 3 roods, 30 perches (tithe 16/7¼d) occupied by T. Watchorn [along Swinstead Lane, to north of road.]
Extracted by Tina Negus
[T.N. presumes that "Piggins Yard" was also built or owned by him. Steel's
A Lincolnshire Village states that Piggin rented Cherry Hill Close on Corby Acres from the Ancaster Estate in 1832, but we did not confirm this.
[T.N. also presumes that this William Piggins is
Piggins of Lutton Marsh/Long Sutton and (brother?) to Ann Piggins who
married William Boyer, or possibly his son William who married Elizabeth Memmack
and was living at Lutton around 1841.]
Ancaster Estate Records
Rippingdale LIN
Rents due from Rippingdale
1779 Nov 23 Tuesday - one year's rent due Lady Day
Thos. Piggins ........ K ........ £18.6.0 [K may refer to Kirkby Underwood]
Extracted by Tina Negus [T.N. comments: obviously son of William PIGGINS at nearby
Folkingham. Only figured for one year.]
Nottinghamshire Archives
Not yet identified. Witness to deed by a Derby vendor:
Assignment of lease at £3.13.4 rent: for £35: Henrye Draycote of Derby,
gent. to John Curson of Nottingham, draper:-- close called Lytchurche Leyze
alias the Crossleyze and 5 ac. in Lytchurch Meadowe, occupied by Richard
Warde of Derby--: For 21 years from the death of Anne, wife of Anthony
Tarrall, esq. and late wife of George Babyngton, gent. Recites original
lease by Henry Babyngton of Dethick, esq. (brother of G.B.) to H.D.
Witnesses: Willm. Jackson, scrivener, John Matthews, Willm. Piggen. 1 Aug.
Manuscript index volume, Portland of Welbeck (1st Deposit): Deeds and Estate Papers, reference 157 DDP 85/41, in Nottinghamshire Archives.
Thomas Stanley
Nottingham NTT
estate agent, lived 1835-1913
- 5070: Deed of copartnership between Thos. Stanley Piggin & Hen. Hallam, estate agents etc.: with deed of dissolution. Period 1875-1887 (5 [pages?])
- 5074: List & valuation of fixtures in offices of Piggin & Hallam. 1875 (2 [pages?])
- 5072: Agreement that rents due next day are interest of T.S. Piggin solely. 1875 (2 [pages?])
- 5073: Receipt of H. Hallam for balance due from late firm of Piggin & Hallam. 1887 (1 [page?])
Nottinghamshire Archives, reference not taken, documents numbered as above.
Hucknall Torkard NTT
borrower, lived 1794-1880, named in following
- (i) Thomas Smedley (as 139) of Stapleford, lace manufacturer, and wife Mary
- (ii) John Girton of Shelford, gent.
- (iii) George Eddows (as 139)
- (iv) John Piggin of Hucknall Torkard, butcher
- (v) Arthur Wells of Nottingham, gent.
for £85 to J.G. (as mortgagee) and £25 to T. and M.S. by J.P.:--
2 messuages (as 139) near to Julian Cross, in Stapleford --: recites 139,
mortgages and further charge (dated 5 May 1819 and 1 April 1820) endorsed
with schedule of title deeds.
1842 July 11
Number 150 in series DDD
(Dowson, Wadsworth & Co (solrs), also filed as "DD.D"?)
at Nottinghamshire Archives
Stapleford NTT
borrower, lived 1818-1887, named in following
- (i) Edward Searson of Ripley, co. Derby, gent.
- (ii) T.S. and M.S. (as 150)
- (iii) Frederick Piggin of Stapleford, butcher
for £49 to E.S.
and £43 to T.S. and M.S. by F.P.:-- messuage near Julians Cross in
Stapleford (Pinfold Land, N.); use of pathway and well --: recites previous
indentures and order of Court of Chancery (date 3 November 1860).
1860 December 21
Number 151 in series DDD
(Dowson, Wadsworth & Co (solrs), also filed as "DD.D"?)
at Nottinghamshire Archives
Hucknall Torkard NTT
borrower, lived 1794-1880, named in following:
Indenture of lease & release for transfer of mortgage:
Thos. Lowe
Rich. Jackson
Jas. Ball of H. Torkard, farmer
John Fox of Nottm., gent.
for £200 1 & 2 to 4 & 4, messuage at Hucknall Torkard.
Sigs., seals of 1, 2, 3.
1838 March 9 & 10
Endorsed transfer of above:
John Piggin of H. Torkard, butcher
Rev. John Hankin Godber of Nottm.
Wm. Rich. Smith of Ashbourne, Derbs., gent.
1 to 2 & 3
Sigs., seals of all
1875 September 1
207. a. & b. in
deeds collection of Acton, Simpson & Hanson, solicitors, Nottingham
Nottinghamshire Archives, reference DD/AN
National Archives, England
proprietor of land in Essex: probably
Edward James
Smith Piggin (1848-1935)
Record in Deeds and Awards of Enfranchisement
Piece Title: Manor of Nazeing: E. Piggin
Date: 1911, Feb. 21
In PRO, Kew. Document reference: MAF 9/88. This class comprises deeds and awards of enfranchisement of land made under the Copyhold Act 1841 to 1894. The pre-1882 records were created by the Copyhold Commission.
landowner at Gedney
# named in piece entitled: Gedney: dispute between George Piggins and Charles Bertie concerning possession of land and right of way
In PRO, Kew.
Document reference: CRES 2/468
Office of Woods, Forests and Land Revenues and predecessors: Unfiled Correspondence and Papers: Lincolnshire 1846-1847
# purchaser of land at Gedney by copyhold
Document entitled: Manor of Gedney Welby alias Scroope: G. Piggins
Lincolnshire, 1860, Feb. 14
In PRO, Kew. See
Document reference: MAF 9/156 These are deeds and awards of enfranchisement of land made under the Copyhold Act 1841 to 1894. For papers concerning title prior to 1900 see MAF 20. For correspondence and papers see MAF 48. For registers see MAF 76. Until 1882 these are records of the Copyhold Commission.
# vendor of land at Gedney
Document entitled: Purchase of land at Gedney from Mr G Piggins
Lincolnshire, Wingland Estate, 1862-1868
From series: Crown Estates Commissioners and predecessors: Registered Files on Estates Remaining in Crown Possession after 1940
In PRO, Kew. See
Document reference: CRES 35/980
unidentified London businessman
# L. Piggins by direction of Messrs. Pelefield & Co. Crown 1822, June 17: King Street, St. James: assignment of 1,000-year lease of vaults under street
3 docts. Document reference: CRES 38/1362: Crown Estate Commissioners and predecessor: Title Deeds etc of Properties Acquired, and Sold or Leased, by the Crown
# The New Street Commissioners L. Piggins 1822, Aug. 29 Swallow Street (Nos. 65, 66, 66a) and King Street (Nos. 30, 31, 73): certificate for securing £2706 10s. charged on land revenue of Crown.
1 document. Document reference: CRES 38/1369
In PRO, Kew. See
U.S. General Land Office
patentee of 80 acres in Kewaunee Co., Wisconsin from U.S. General Land
Office by signature dated 1858/02/22. Obtained through Menasha Land Office.
Document Number 22216.
online version at, seen 1998/05/25
Portland Manuscripts at University of Nottingham
Hose, LEI
landowner 1815-1880
# purchaser of land in Notts. by copyhold
Enfranchisement of land in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, with related
correspondence; 4 Oct. 1876-7 Dec. 1876 (4 items, paper)
First Party: Arthur Charles Greville of Hillingdon, Middlesex, Esq., late a
colonel in HM Army; and Edward Bailey of 5 Berners Street, Middlesex,
Second Party: William John Cavendish Bentinck Scott, Duke of Portland.
Third Party: William Piggin of Hose, Leicestershire, gentleman.
Copy draft enfranchisement (dated 1 Nov. 1876) by (1) and (2) to (3) of four
parcels of land totalling 12a. 0r. 16p., adjoining Newgate Lane in
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, copyhold of the Manor of Mansfield.
Reserves minerals.
Consideration: £ 41 13/- by (3) to (1).
Related letters [Pl E12/7/2/3/5/2-4] from J.J. Handley to Messrs Baileys,
Shaw and Gillett.
Forms part of the archival bundle Pl E12/7/2/3.
- from online catalogue
# Also in: Returns of Owners of Land: Leicestershire 1870
Address: Hose
66 acres, 3 roods, 23 perches; Value: £61
from online reference (Bottesford site?) (from Paul Taylor 1999/10)