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Long Eaton ... School Board Election. The old Board consisted of five members, viz., Messrs. Newsum and Marshall (Church) and Messrs Gaskin, Piggin, and Stapleton (Nonconformists), Mr Newsum being chairman. Fourteen candidates were originally nominated .. A great open-air meeting of the Church party was held in the Market-place on Friday evening...The Vicar (Rev. T.H. Inman) presided, and addresses were given by Messrs. Marshall, Newsum, and Morris... A meeting of the Nonconformist party was held later in the evening in the Zion Schoolroom, and was addressed by Messrs. Orchard, Piggin, and Stapleton, the Rev. F. Todd, and others. The poll opened at ten o'clock on Saturday morning, in the Board Schools. By some means, the names of a large number of ratepayers (mostly on the Church side) had been omitted from the ratebook, and these were not allowed to vote, although many of them produced receipts for the rates they had paid, and some had occupied their houses for many years and voted at previous elections. The polling closed at five o'clock, and, after an interval of half-an-hour, the counting of the votes commenced. During this operation an immense crowd had collected outside the Board School, and when at half past seven Mr Newbold, the returning officer, declared the numbers of the voting, the result was received by the supporters of the opposite parties with mingled demonstrations of cheering and groaning, and a considerable time elapsed before the crowd began to disperse. The proceedings were very disorderly, but the police were present to prevent any serious disturbance. The numbers polled by the various candidates were as follows: Stapleton, 794; Piggin, 788; Orchard, 753; Norris 656; Marshall, 610; Newsum, 632; and Marlow, 211. As soon as the poll was declared a formal protest was made by the Church candidates against the validity of the election on account of the large number of votes rejected through omissions in the ratebook. Much surprise was created by the non-success of Mr Newsum, who has been a member of the Board for nine years, and was chairman of the late Board. The Nonconformist candidates addressed their supporters in the school-yard at the close of the proceedings.
The Derby Mercury (Derby, England) 1882 06 14
Casualties. Thursday Morning about Four o'Clock, a Servant of Mr Piggin of Paddington, by Foot slipping, was run over by his own Cart on Holborn Hill. The Cart ran over his Body. He was taken up by some Labourers, who carried him on a Window Shutter to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, where he died soon after.
Whitehall Evening Post or London Intelligencer (London, England) 1760 06 05
As the funeral procession of a Mr Piggins was entering the churchyard at Gosberton, Lincolnshire, an elderly lady named Woodford, who was amongst the followers, suddenly fell to the ground and expired. [Ed's Note: a check of the deaths indexes indicates that the funeral was that of Thomas Piggins, who died at the age of 72.]
Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales) 1874 02 28
Obstructing the pavement. Mary Ann Brette was charged .... Benjamin Holman Piggins, Orwell Place, spoke to the annoyance and inconvenience to which he was subjected by persons selling things opposite his door. The girl was discharged with a caution not to repeat ...
Ipswich Observer 1868 08 15
Crich. .. as Mr John Piggin, the postman for the Crich district, was returning from his round, he got fast in a large snow-drift, and remained in that position for nearly an hour. Fortunately, two men were going by not far from where he was, and were attracted by his cries for assistance, which they immediately rendered to him. He was conveyed to the house of his father much exhausted. Had it not been for the timely assistance rendered the consequences would in all probability have been fatal.
Derby Chronicle 1865 02 08
The American Merchant Navy. The Southampton magistrates were engaged three whole days last week in lengthened examinations of Gordon Hires and Edmund Lane, the two mates of the American bark Anna, charged with murdering several of the coloured seamen of that ship by a brutal course of ill treatment and assaults... Four separate cases were substantiated against the prisoners, the unfortunate victims -- viz. James Armstrong, John Tuthill, Frank Light or Lord, and David Peggins -- having severally died under the effects of the barbarities practised upon them. Edgar Miller Tuthill, the captain and part-owner of the Anna, was then examined and gave a general denial of the statements made by the men who had been examined in support of the case. ... Peggins's death was attributed to a fall from the yard-arm. The captain said he must have known it if ill-usage had been practised on board. The magistrates told him that it was clear he could not have taken much care of his crew... [The prisoners were] committed to the borough gaol, there to remain in safe custody until they were delivered up to the American authorities in this country, for transmission to the United States. On their removal from the court the crowd in attendance yelled and hooted the prisoners, and they were with some difficulty got into a cab, which conveyed them to the borough gaol, followed by the execrations of the multitude at the disgusting cruelties they had practised upon the unfortunate creatures whose lives had been sacrificed. [Note: the case was tried in 1861 in New York: Hires was charged with the murder of Tuttle (Tuthill) and convicted of manslaughter (New York Times, 1861-02-09), but the jury stalemated on a charge against Lane of killing Light (New York Times, 1861-02-16), so justice was never done for the death of Peggins. The Anna had three white officers, a cook and eight black crew, of whom six were killed on the voyage from Laguna to Cowes. English feeling over these racist killings was heightened by the continued existence of slavery in the Old South.]
The Times 1860 02 06
Mr John Piggin of Mansfield Road, Nottingham, who yesterday celebrated his golden wedding at the age of 83, broke his neck 26 years ago while hunting. He is one of the few people to survive such an injury.
The Guardian 1932 05 11
The following is an Account of several Robberies committed by John Gaul, a Convict, sent from Norwich Castle to London, in order to be transported to his Majesty's Plantations. From Mr Pleasant's Shop in St. George's, Bridges-street, he stole four Pair of Shoes. From Mr. Piggen, in St. Clement's, twelve Pair of Shoes... was tried last Norwich Assizes, and received Sentence of Transportation.
General Evening Post, London 1751 09 28
John West, taken into custody on a charge of robbing Mr Davies, shoemaker, of Gracechurch-street, City, and taken to Rosemond-street station-house, Clerkenwell ... was conveyed to St. Bartholomew's hospital ... On entering the hospital in order to secure him, the whole of his apparel was taken from him, and he remained in his bed, apparently unable to speak or move, until Saturday last. One of the patients, named Piggins, servant to Mr. Stanley, the lecturer, in the same ward, who lay in the next bed to him, died on Friday-last, and his clothes were tied up in a bundle and put down by the side of his bed, ready for his widow to take away with the corpse of her husband. On Saturday evening last, about seven o'clock, West managed to get out of bed, and, undoing the bundle, he slipped on the clothes of the dead man, Piggins, unperceived by any one, and walked out of the hospital and made his escape. ... West is ... liable to another charge of felony for stealing the clothes of Piggins.
Preston Chronicle 1837 03 04
Regimental and Other Notes. The annual ball arranged by the Volunteers took place at the Co-operative Hall, Long Eaton ... and was well patronised. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion by Sergeant-instructor Donoghue, Colour-sergeant Vickerstaffe, and Sergeant Sutton... Here and there in the room were stars of bayonets and stands of arms, and the band were in a sort of fairy bower. Swords, lances and a Crimean pistol were supplied by Corporal F. Piggin ... Dancing was kept up till three o'clock.
Derby Mercury 1899 01 18
Yesterday's Government Police-gazette contained the offer of ... a reward of 10£ ... to those who will furnish such information as will lead to the apprehension and conviction of the offender or offenders who, on the morning of the 8th instant, set on fire a building in the occupation of Mr S Piggin, situate in the Great Square, Braintree.
Daily News, London 1846 04 14
To have seven sons and a daughter all serving in H.M. Forces is the proud claim of Mr. and Mrs. W. Piggin of 17, Valpy Avenue, Drayton Estate. I have no means of finding out whether this is unique, but it is certainly a fine record. A composite photograph of the serving members of Piggin family is found on another page. Calling round to see Mr. and Mrs. Piggin I learned that so far their sons have come through unscathed, although several of them have been into battle. Walter, the eldest, is in the R.A., as is also Reginald, who has for some time been in India. The third son, Donald, is with the R.A.S.C. in Ireland. Next comes Stanley, who has had more than his share of aerial bombardment, for he has been with a heavy A.A. battery in Malta for four years. Phyllis is serving with the W.A.A.F. in Scotland, while the remaining three sons, Russell, Cyril and Maurice, are in the Royal Navy. Russell, who incidentally was home on leave when I called, has just been recommended for a commission. When I remarked that corresponding with such a scattered family must take up a considerable time, Mrs Piggin agreed, adding that never a week goes by without a letter or parcel is sent to every one of them. Mr Piggin then disclosed that he was was one of eight brothers who served during the 1914-18 war, and their father, the late Mr. Thomas Piggin, of Holl's-lane, was also serving-- nine from one family. This was, I understood, definitely established as a local record, and Mr Piggin tells me that in 1915 a photograph of Mr. Piggin, sen., and his eight sons appeared in a local paper. Happily the whole nine came back safe and sound.
Eastern Evening News (Norwich) early 1944
Long Sutton Steeple Chases. Monday, April 15. Stewards, Greaves and Geo. Piggins, Esqrs. Notwithstanding the postponement of the above meeting the promoters were unsuccessful in obtaining a large entry, which may be attributed to the fact that the race was open to all England, and as the public money to be given was only £20, horses from a distance were not likely to be obtained, whilst those belonging to the district were fearful of meeting dangerous opponents. During the morning a heavy rain fell, but in the afternoon the weather became fair, and a large company assembled to witness the sport, which took place in Gedney Marsh, over lands in the occupation of C. H. Bertie and Geo. Piggins, Esqrs. Only three horses started, and it was remarked that Lord Burghley had been induced to send Latitat on account of affording sport to his constituents, and not for either honour or profit... The start took place from a field near the residence of Geo. Piggins, Esq. The race is soon described. Hope went off with the lead, closely followed by Latitat, and at the first fence Bess's chance was disposed of. The other two ran in the above order, and took the last leap nearly together; but on taking a sharp curve just before reaching the run in Latitat slipped, owing to the wet state of the grass... Hope eventually won by several lengths...
The Era (London) 1850 04 21
Awarded a second bar to the Military Cross:
T./2nd Lieutenant Harry Piggins, M.C., attd. S. Staff. R.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When in charge of a fighting patrol which was lying out in front of our wire in order to obtain an identification, he was fired on by a strong enemy patrol on his way back to our lines. Immediately leading his men to the front line trench he opened fire with a machine gun on the hostile patrol which was attacking the trench with bombs. He then climbed out of the trench, accompanied by a few of his men, and advanced towards the hostile patrol, which finally retired, leaving one man dead and one wounded man in our hands. Throughout the whole operation he showed exceptional initiative, and by his courage and skilful handling of the situation he was instrumental in obtaining a prisoner and an identification at a time when it was of the utmost importance that one should be obtained.
(M.C. gazetted 13th May, 1918.)
London Gazette 1918 06 21
Street Accident -- On Thursday evening as Mrs Piggin, wife of the vice-chairman of the Long Eaton School Board, was driving along Main-street, Long Eaton, in company with another lady, a little boy, the son of Mr. J.W. Pridham, jeweller, ran out across the road and was knocked down and run over. Luckily it was a light basket trap or the child must have been killed, but as it was he was severely crushed, and will have to be for some time under medical attention.
Derby Mercury 1884 04 02
Worship Street. Assault on the Police and Attempted Rescue. Michael Holland, 22, costermonger, and James Piggin, 18, boxmaker, were charged - Holland with having been concerned with others not in custody in stealing some hats and a pair of boots, and with having assaulted police-constable 216H; Piggin was charged with attempting to rescue Holland - On Sunday morning a man stole some hats and boots from a shop in Petticoat-lane, and on being caught he passed them to Holland. An officer came up, and Holland was taken into custody, but he made a desperate resistance, and a large crowd assembled. Several men drew knives, and threatend to stab the officer; and one adroitly cut through the handkerchief which Holland wore, and by which the officer was holding him. Piggin was charged with cutting the handkerchief through, but considerable doubt was thrown upon the matter by the evidence of the witnesses whom Piggin called. - Mr. Newton discharged Piggin, and sentenced Holland to six months' hard labour.
Lloyd's Weekly 1869 11 14
Shardlow Board of Guardians... present: ... RS Piggin... Workhouse Committee reported that in their opinion the shins of beef supplied to the house were unfairly cut... Mr. Piggin (who made a special inspection at the request of the board) said that the meat on the whole was good, except the shin of beef, which was not a shin at all, but a shoulder bone with a skin attached.
Derby Mercury 1882 07 12