
Crich Piggin: The Ancient Origins

All or some of the persons below are thought to be descended from
Thomas Piggin senior of Crich (Google Map)
who married (1) Elizabeth --- (she died in Crich)
and married (2) Ellen --- (she died in Crich)
Sources: 1672 Elizabeth wife of Thomas P. bur Aug 20th
1679 Elizabeth wife of Thomas P. bur Sept 21st
read by Stan as "Elizabeth", by Tina as "Ellen".
This led us to presume that Thomas married twice.
John, butcher
% Elizabeth --- ( -1715)
(she mentioned in 1702 admon of John's estate)
+ 1702 Crich
~ 1672 Crich
(she mentioned in 1715 will of Elizabeth Piggin)
% --- Pickard
% William Curson 1696 Crich
(they mentioned in 1715 will of Elizabeth Piggin)
+ 1724
~ 1675
possibly the one who moved to Bottesford
(he mentioned in 1715 will of Elizabeth Piggin)
four children alive in 1714 mentioned in 1715 will of Elizabeth Piggin
Robert 1678-1678: this is derived from Stan Piggin's transcript of the parish register in which Robert is identified at both christening and burial as son of John. Tina read him in the BT as the son of Robert and could not make out the burial entry at Lichfield R.O.
Joseph 1681-1739
(he mentioned in 1715 will of Elizabeth Piggin)
% (1) Rachael ---
(1707 Crich)
% (2) Judith --- (-1757)
(she mentioned in 1739 will of John Piggin)
(she mentioned in 1739 will of John Piggin and 1757 will of Judith Piggin)
% George Walker 1731
Margaret 1708-1729
Judith ~1715/10/16
(she mentioned in 1757 will of Judith Piggin and 1739 will of John Piggin)
% Edward Hides 1762/12/25 Crich
% Richard Ufton
1733 Duffield
(she mentioned in 1739 will of John Piggin and 1757 will of Judith Piggin. Richard Ufton had previously been married to an Elizabeth Piggin whose origins cannot be established)
% (1) Warriner Hall (1714-1744) in 1735 South Wingfield
% (2) ? Mary Shaw in 1751 Sutton in Ashfield, NTT
(he mentioned in 1739 will of John Piggin and 1757 will of Judith Piggin)
~ 1736 South Wingfield
?% Eliz. Hawarth
(1756 Crich)
?% Mary Wade
(1760 Crich)
* 1760 Crich
(Ancestor of the 20th century Crich family)
~ 1738 South Wingfield
1740-1741 South Wingfield
~ 1744 South Wingfield
possibly he was the ancestor of the Bulwell family
~ 1718, Crich
(he mentioned in 1739 will of John Piggin and 1757 will of Judith Piggin)
Hannah 1683-1684
~ 1686/04/22, Crich
% (1) Deborah Shaw ( -1722) in 1713, Crich
% (2) Lydia Hodgkin in 1723 in Crich
(he mentioned in 1715 will of Elizabeth Piggin)
+ 1753, Crich, burial May 2
1715/06/19, Crich
+ ? perhaps he is rightly the 1753 death at left
~ 1687
Elizabeth (relationship to above not proven)
born 1651
possibly married John Hood at Radford, Notts, in 1673
Robert (relationship to above not proven)
possibly married Margaret
possibly died 1687 Crich
Margaret 1673-1698
Robert ~ 1678 Crich
so transcribed by Tina, duplicates Robert above
Elizabeth ~ 1680 Crich
possibly married Thomas Coxon
1702 in Horsley
Robert 1683-1704
Thomas PIGGIN junior (relationship to above not proven)
% Mary ---
+ 1683 Crich
Elizabeth ~ 1674 Crich
Mary 1675-1695
Heller 1677-1694
Thomas ~ 1680 Crich
(probably the cordwainer who died 1708 South Wingfield leaving a will)
% Ellen/Helen Beardsley (she remarried in 1709, S. Wingfield, to Wm. Hopkinson)
Jane 1683-1685
William 1683-1684
Benjamin (illegitimate)
~ 1712 (neither Stan nor Tina could establish the name of his mother, but Brenda Moss found a 1702/07/04 christening of an illegitimate child of Elizabeth Piggen and a 1713/04/03 burial of Benjamin, illegitimate son of Elizabeth Piggin)
  Elizabeth Piggin
% Richard Ufton (not Upton!) 1723
she is mentioned in several wills from Crich. She appears to have died 1729 and Richard Ufton (re-?)married Mary Piggin in 1733 in Duffield. Originally Tina thought Elizabeth was a daughter of Joseph Piggin as well, but that Elizabeth married George Walker according to that Elizabeth's mother's will, so who was this Elizabeth Piggin? Two possibilities spring to mind: Elizabeth born 1706 in Bottesford (by Tina's reckoning a cousin to Mary Piggin who later married Richard Ufton), or Elizabeth *1701 at Heanor. Take your pick.

The above is based on a chart (number 1 in my index) compiled in 1995 by Tina Negus.

The Crich website, Parish Registers and Other Aspects of Crich, which was compiled by Alan S. Flint dealing with Crich and its history has now been absorbed into the new Crich Website administered by Peter Patilla. I recommend you look at this for more Crich stories.

© Jean-Baptiste Piggin 2000-2009

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  • * ... born
  • ~ ... baptized
  • % ... married
  • + ... died/buried
  • a/b/c/d ... 1st/2nd/3rd/4th quarter of year

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