
A Lost Norwich Piggin Family

Descendants of
a John and Sarah Piggin
Norwich Saint Peter Parmentergate, NFK
II. Timmothy PIGGIN
Norwich Saint Peter Parmentergate, NFK
Norwich Saint Peter Parmentergate, NFK

This compilation done: 11 July 1998

Descendants of James Piggin of Norwich
married Emily Wilson
By 1851, Emily, 46, was widowed, living with her father William Wilson at New Catton, along with her youngest children Samuel, 9, and Joe, 7.
~ 1823/11/09 Norwich St James Pockthorpe
% Frederick Crotch, 1843 (living at Crooks' Place, daughter of James Piggin, weaver)
Wm. Wilson
~ 1825/09/11 Norwich St James Pockthorpe
~ 1827/11/18 Norwich St James Pockthorpe
~ 1831/11/28 Norwich St James Pockthorpe
~ 1833/04/21 Norwich St James Pockthorpe
~ 1836/10/09 Norwich St James Pockthorpe

A family in the boot trade
James PIGGIN, weaver
*c 1822 Norwich St Pauls, according to later census? CQ (an LDS member has submitted a study, referred to in, claiming James was christened 1822/02/27 somewhere in Norwich, son of James Piggin and Emily Wilson, but this is not documented)

% Sarah Clarke 1843/04/17 at Thorpe Episcopi (witnesses included Mary Crotch. Sarah stated she was of full age, but census evidence suggests she was born 1826: is this plausible?)

1851 census: ("Piggen") Ship Yard, Cowgate Street, Parish of St Paul

+ ?
*1843c, Norwich St Edmunds
James, boot finisher
* 1844d, Norwich
% Elizabeth Knights (c1841- ), silk filler, 1866b
1881 census: Infirmary Road, St. Clements Without, Norwich
1887: executor of Uncle Job's will
+ 1906c, Norwich
I. James Charles: gardener, Angel Road.
* 1867a, Sprowston, St Faiths district (5 km north of Norwich)
% --- 1889
+ 1899a, Leicester, aged 32
surely not their daughter, since she was born 5 years after father's apparent death:
Nellie Gladys
* 1904d, St. Faiths
% --- Tunnard
II.Thomas James
* 1874c, St. Faiths
% Emma --- 1898, Edmonton
+ 1947
* 1900 Islington
* 1847a, Norwich St Pauls
George Wilson, sewer on Blakes sole machine in boot trade
* 1850/October, Norwich St Pauls
% Mary Ann Allen (c1853- ) 1872
living at 19 Wellington Terrace, St Clement Norwich in 1881
living at 19 Short St, St Clement Norwich in 1891
living in Norwich at 1901 census
+ ?
* 1874c, Norwich
% Foundy Elizabeth Reed
+ 1925d
George Arthur
* 1906b
% Jessie Maud Edwards
+ 1962
* 1876d Norwich
% --- 1900
* 1878d Norwich
% --- Thompson
+ 1951b
* c1882 (This one is only in 1891 census: the clerk began to write an E and changed it to an A for Arthur. We cannot find such a person in the birth registrations.)
Edith, operator of boot sewing machine in 1901
* 1883d, Norwich
+ 1907a, Norwich
Walter (apprentice in 1901)
* 1886b, Norwich
% --- Johnson
+ 1942c, Sheffield
Albert 1921-1966
lived at Chesterfield
* c1889
* 1892a, Norwich
% ---
+ 1967b, Norwich
Job, boot and shoemaker
* 1841d, St Clement, Norwich
% Hannah L. --- (c1840-1883), 1864c Norwich
% Jane Base (c1838-1914 ), 1885b
1881 census: Long Row, St. Clements Without, Norwich
+ 1886/12/04 at 37 Long Row, Waterloo Rd, New Catton
Will: £193
I. Hannah L.
* 1866c, Norwich
II. Job
* 1867c, Norwich
unclear who was the father of a child who died in infancy, Job 1893-1895. (Job did not marry Emily till 1896).
% Emily Elizabeth Cott (1876-1955), Norwich 1896d. Her will: 511 pounds
they lived at 99 Belvoir St, Norwich. See also 1901 census
+ 1934/09/22, Norwich
Will: 843 pounds
A. Emily Ethel
* 1899a, Norwich
% Ralph Ernest Bray
B. Rose May
* 1901a, Norwich
% George Howard
III. Emily Harriett
* 1869d, Norwich
+ 1895c, Norwich
IV. Henry Arthur
* 1879c, Norwich
% --- ---, 1904a
+ 1944c, Sheffield

The above family is difficult to understand:

Descendants of unidentified Piggin of Norwich
Joseph, weaver
* circa 1789 in Norwich
% Rebecca ---- (c. 1789-)
family of three living at Barnes Yard in 1851
+ ?
Mary Ann, needlewoman
* circa 1831 Norwich
% James Allen (1831- ), miller, 1852/05/23 Norwich

© Jean-Baptiste Piggin 2000-2009

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  • * ... born
  • ~ ... baptized
  • % ... married
  • + ... died/buried
  • a/b/c/d ... 1st/2nd/3rd/4th quarter of year

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