
Piggin entries in 1851 Census


Census taken in England and Wales on 30 March 1851

Public Records Office collection HO107

piece/folio/schedule or page

Name, surnameRelationCondAgeOccupationWhere Born

St George Hanover Square? registration district

Number 003/2
Mayfair Parish 1476/196v
PIGHIN Italian or English? Could some kind soul please check this?
Number 003/3
Belgrave Parish 1477/9v
PIGGINS Could some kind soul check this Piggins please?

West London registration district

Number 018
17 Poppins Court, St. Brides 1527/383/17
John PIGGIN head M 36 milkman Burkley OXF
Mary A. PIGGIN wife M 32 wife Endfield MDX
John PIGGIN son U 2 Clerkenwell MDX
Anne PIGGIN dau U 8mo St. Bride, London
Humphrey PIGGIN brother U 39 milkman Berkley OXF

Headington registration district

Number 157
Becklay, Oxfordshire 1727/ /41
Thomas PIGGIN head M 75 late agric.lab, now pauper Horton OXF
Tabitha PIGGIN wife M 73 Tring, Hertfords.

Wisbech registration district

Number 193
Walsoken, Wisbech, Norfolk 1767/199/9
Willm PIGGINS head M 32 butcher Wisbech CAM
Elizth. PIGGINS wife M 32 --- St Johns NFK
Susan PIGGINS daur U 6 --- Walsoken NFK
Willm. PIGGINS son U 1 --- Walsoken NFK
Mary PIGGINS daur U 1 --- Walsoken NFK

Braintree registration district

Number 208
Bank Street, Braintree scorowa.htm RPW1
Joseph PIGGIN head M 35 draper employing 12 persons Norwich
Mary PIGGIN wife M 36 Norwich
Joseph PIGGIN son U 13 draper's asst. Braintree
Ellen PIGGIN dau U 10 Braintree
Frederick C. PIGGIN son U 8 Braintree
Arthur H.S. PIGGIN son U 4 Braintree
Edward I.S. PIGGIN son U 2 Braintree
George C. PIGGIN son U 1 Braintree
Walter SMITH 17 draper's asst.
Joseph PILGRIM 15 draper's asst.
Emily SMIE 21 shop woman
Jane HERBERT 20 shop woman
Eliza CURTIS 20 drape maker
Susannah GLABCOCK 20 drape maker
Hannah WATKINSON 20 houseservant
Eliza WOOD 20 houseservant
Emily WRIGHT 16 houseservant
"Horse and Groom", Payne Road, Bocking scorowa.htm RPW2
Samuel PIGGIN head M 40 victualler Norwich NFK
Harriett PIGGIN wife M 40 Braintree ESS
Samuel PIGGIN son U 13 Bocking ESS
Alfred PIGGIN son U 11 Bocking ESS
Hannah PIGGIN dau U 8 Bocking ESS
Eliza PIGGIN dau U 6 Bocking ESS
George PIGGIN son U 3 Bocking ESS
Rebecca PIGGIN dau U 1 Bocking ESS

Yarmouth registration district

Number 228
3 Norfolk Terrace, Great Yarmouth qflegg.htm 1806/722/18
George PIGGIN head M 27 builder Little Ormesby NFK
Harriet PIGGIN wife M 27 --- Potter Heigham NFK

Flegg registration district

Number 229
Repps Lane, Martham qflegg.htm 1807/219/3
Thomas PIGGIN head M 55 bricklayer Filby NFK
Sarah PIGGIN wife M 55 --- Ormesby NFK
Ann Elizabeth PIGGIN daur U 20 --- Martham NFK
Thomas PIGGIN son U 18 --- Martham NFK
Ann Elizh. PIGGIN gdau - 12 --- Fulham MDX
Benj. PIGGIN gson - 2 --- Martham NFK

Norwich registration district

Number 234
Barnes Yd, Norwich St Augustine 1812/395/18
Joseph PIGGIN head M 62 weaver Norwich NFK
Rebecca PIGGIN wife M 62 --- Norwich NFK
Mary Ann PIGGIN daur U 20 needle woman Norwich NFK
New Catton, Norwich St Clement 1812/79/27
William WILSON head W 81 pauper Southbourgh KEN
Emily PIGGIN daur W 46 washer woman Norwich NFK
Ann WILSON vist U 23 --- Norwich NFK
Samuel PIGGIN gson - 9 --- Norwich NFK
Joe PIGGIN gson - 7 --- Norwich NFK
Saint James Street, Norwich St James 1813/297/17
Mary PIGGIN head W 76 pauper (formerly laundress) St Pauls(?)/Norwich St Faith(?)
Barrack Street White Horse Yd, Norwich St James millis.htm 1813/329/29
Milles PIGGEN head M 58 silk weaver Norwich NFK
Martha PIGGEN wife M 59 silk weaver Norwich NFK
Matilda PIGGEN daur U 22 silk weaver Norwich NFK
Barrack Street, Norwich St James millis.htm 1813/330/30
Milles PIGGEN head M 24 whitesmith Norwich NFK
Sarah PIGGEN wife M 24 yarn filler Norwich NFK
Martha PIGGEN daur U 6 scholar Norwich NFK
Milles PIGGEN son U 2 --- Norwich NFK
Barrack Street, Gransby Row, Norwich St James p~halhul.htm 1813/333/37
Samuel GOTTS head M 30 hawker of milk Norwich NFK
Mary Ann GOTTS wife M 27 Norwich NFK
Joseph GOTTS son U 5 Norwich NFK
Eliza GOTTS daur U 2 Norwich NFK
6 Porters Terrace, Thorpe Road, Thorpe next Norwich 1813/399/40
William A. TODD head M 23 tailors assistant London Bloomsbury-London
Matilda PIGGIN serv U 24 house serv Norwich NFK
Cowgate Street Ship Yard, Norwich St Paul antecede.htm 1813/75/42
James PIGGEN head M 29 weaver Norwich St Pauls NFK
Sarah PIGGEN wife M 25 weaver Norwich NFK
Henry PIGGEN son U 7 scholar Norwich St Edmunds NFK
James PIGGEN son U 6 scholar Norwich St Clements NFK
William PIGGEN son U 4 scholar Norwich St Pauls NFK
George PIGGEN son U 5m --- Norwich St Pauls NFK
Castle Ditches, St Michael at Thorn 1814/171/9
John PIGGEN head M 59 weaver n(ot) k(nown)
Mary A (or C?) PIGGEN wife M 52 (or 59:MH) --- Norwich NFK
William PIGGEN son - 14 --- Norwich NFK
Pig Lane, St George Tombland, Norwich 1814/5/2
James PIGGIN head M 39 brushmaker (journeyman) Norwich----
Hannah PIGGIN wife M 41 laundress Mattishall NFK
Mary PIGGIN daur - 11 scholar Norwich----
Henry A. PIGGIN son - 3 scholar Norwich----
City Road, Norwich 1815/16/24
Samuel PEGG head M 57 woollen warehouseman Norwich NK----
Frances PEGG wife M 53 --- Norwich NK----
Walter H. T. PEGG son U 23 woollen warehouseman Norwich NK----
Clement PEGG son U 14 scholar Norwich NK----
Frederick PEGG son - 10 scholar Norwich St Martins at Palace----
Elizabeth PIGGIN vist U 63 housekeeper Hoveton St John NFK
Ann ROGERS serv U 21 general serv Attleboro NFK
Three Kings Lane, Norwich St Margaret 1816/139/7
Robert HUBBARD head M 52 weaver, silk St George, Norwich
Elizabeth HUBBARD wife M 60 --- St Andrew, Norwich
Elizabeth PIGGIN daur M 27 shoe binder St Margaret, Norwich
Richard PIGGIN son-in-law M 28 cordwainer St Julian, Norwich
Eliza PIGGIN granddau U 1 day --- St Margaret, Norwich
Mary PIGGIN visitor - 62 visitor Upton NFK
Lower Westwick Street, St Swithins, Norwich 1816/169/16
Mary Ann PIGGIN head W (or U:MH) 19 shoe binder St Johns, Norwich
Church Alley, Norwich St Swithin 1816/173/25
Ann BALLS head W 65 formerly weaver receiving relief Heigham Norwich NFK
Patience BALLS daur U 32 receiving parish relief St Swithin Norwich NFK
Mary Ann PIGGIN daur M 28 warper St Swithin Norwich NFK
Benjamin PIGGIN son-in-law M 30 cord wainer St Johns Norwich NFK
West Pottergate, Norwich 1816/339/6
Richard PIGGEN head M 48 soap boiler Norwich NFK
Hannah PIGGEN wife M 46 --- Wicklewood NFK
Mary Ann PIGGEN daur U 22 dress maker Norwich NFK
Harriott PIGGEN daur U 17 dress maker Norwich NFK
Amelia PIGGEN daur - 12 domestic servant Norwich NFK
Elizabeth PIGGEN daur - 9 scholar Norwich NFK
Robert PIGGEN son - 5 scholar Norwich NFK
Heigham Causeway, Norwich 1816/396/43
Robert PIGGIN head M 44 brushmaker Norwich----
Hannah PIGGIN wife M 31 --- Worstead NFK
Robert PIGGIN son - 10 schl Worstead NFK
Sarah A. PIGGIN daur - 8 schl Norwich----
Hannah PIGGIN daur - 4 --- Norwich----
Christianna PIGGIN daur - 2 --- Norwich----
Louisa HOWES vist U 15 servant (out of place) Worstead NFK
Globe Yd, Heigham, Norwich 1816/411/18
Rueben PIGGIN head M 24 shoe maker Heigham----
Martha PIGGIN wife M 23 shoe binder Heigham----
Isaac PIGGIN son U 4 --- Heigham----
Frederick PIGGIN son U 6m --- Heigham----
Upper Heigham, Norwich 1816/416/29
George WILLS head M 44 fell monger St Georges----
Easter WILLS wife M 46 laundress Heigham----
Walter WILLS son U 13 scholar Heigham----
Elizabeth WILLS daur U 8 scholar Heigham----
Sarah Ann WILLS daur U 4 scholar Heigham----
Robert PIGGIN gfat W 77 laborer Salhouse NFK
Post Office Street, St John Maddermarket, Norwich 1816/64/45
John PIGGIN head W 61 watchmaker & jeweller Hoveton NFK
Sarah DYBALL niec U 22 assistant in business Hoxton-Mid
Edward DYBALL neph U 17 apprentice to watchmaker Hoxton-Mid
Caroline BROWNE vist U 19 house servant Catton NFK
St. George Colegate NG 1983, but not in LDS index
John PIGGEN head M 91 silk throwster Salhouse NFK
Mary PIGGEN wife M 86 Lowestoft, Suffolk
Ann PIGGEN dau U 58 South Walsham, Nor
Edward (surname?) visitor U 20 bookseller Stowmarket, Suffol
Matilda SPENCER servant U 21 houseservant Sprowston

Forehoe registration district

Number 235
Chandlers Hill, Market Street Division, Wymondham(?) 1817/422/33
Mary PIGGIN head W 60 widow of ag lab Et. Tuddenham NFK

Henstead registration district

Number 236
---, --- , Mulbarton(?) 1818/148/28
Robt. C. PEGGINS head M 32 ag lab Norwich NFK
Mary PEGGINS wife M 32 ag lab wife Ketteringham NFK
Hannah PEGGINS daur - 4 --- Mulbarton NFK
Anne M. PEGGINS daur - 1 --- Mulbarton NFK
Swardeston 1818/154/5
William PEGGINS head M 25 ag lab Norwich NFK
Sarah PEGGINS wife M 22 --- Mulbarton NFK
Jonathan PEGGINS son - 2 --- Swardeston NFK
Hannah PEGGINS daur - 4 --- Swardeston NFK
Swardeston 1818/156/8
Jonathan PEGGINS head M 60 ag lab Norwich NFK
Mary PEGGINS wife M 60 --- St Faiths NFK
Swardeston 1818/157/11
Joseph PEGGINS head M 30 ag lab Norwich NFK
Catherine PEGGINS wife M 24 --- Keswick NFK
Rose P. FULCHER niec - 4 --- Norwich NFK

Docking registration district

Number 244
Dersingham 1827/388/31
Richard PIGGINS head M 31 agricultural labourer Westnewton NFK
Elizabeth PIGGINS wife M 32 --- Congham NFK
Mary Ann PIGGINS daur - 11 --- Congham NFK
Hannah PIGGINS daur - 8 (scholar) Westnewton NFK
Emily PIGGINS daur - 6 (scholar) Flitcham NFK
Robert PIGGINS son - 4 (scholar) Ingoldisthorpe NFK

Freebridge Lynn registration district

Number 245
Flitcham 1828/73/28
William PIGGINS head W 41 farm labourer West Newton NFK
Ann PIGGINS daur U 15 labourer Flitcham NFK
John PIGGINS son U 13 labourer Flitcham NFK
James PIGGINS son U 10 labourer Flitcham NFK
Hannah PIGGINS daur U 8 scholar Flitcham NFK
Margaret PIGGINS daur U 6 scholar Flitcham NFK
Robert PIGGINS son U 5 scholar Flitcham NFK
West Newton (or BD: Flitcham) 1828/83/7
John PIGGENS head M 73 (or BD:75) farmers labourer Castle Acre NFK
Elizebath PIGGENS wife M 67 --- Holt NFK

Downham registration district

Number 247
Marham 1830/699/33
Robert NORMAN head M 50 farmer Marham NFK
Margaret NORMAN wife M 37 farmers wife Holme Hale NFK
Hannah PIGGINS daur U 14 scholar Weston NFK

Totnes, Devonshire registration district

Number 284
Union WorkHouse, Totnes 1874/153/17
Sarah PIGGINS paup U 28 serv Totnes-Dev

Crediton, Devonshire registration district

Number 292
Bassetts, Crediton 1886/257/7
Elizabeth PIGGINS head W 52 dressmaker Crediton-Dev
Dinah PIGGINS daur U 22 dressmaker Crediton-Dev
William PIGGINS son U 17 ag lab Crediton-Dev

Bristol registration district

Number 329
Part of the Parish of St. Thomas 1947/60
William PIGINS/PEGINS 47 labourer Bristol
Hannah PIGINS/PEGINS 45 dealer in old clothes Bristol
Robert PIGINS/PEGINS 12 potters porter Bristol
Elizabeth PIGINS/PEGINS 15 Bristol

Burton-upon-Trent registration district

Number 375/1
Eggington 2011/230v/66
Joseph BARNES head farmer
Emma PIGGINS visitor 13 scholar Derby

Wolverhampton registration district

Number 379/3
Dudley Street, Wolverhampton e~pottry.htm 2018/48r/38
Joseph PIGGIN head M 50 bootmaker, employs 9 men & 2 women Sheffield, Yorks.
Ann PIGGIN wife M 52 wife Preston, Lancs.
Emma CHATFIELD servant U 16 houseservant Uttoxeter, Staffs.
5 Queen St, Wolverhampton e~pottry.htm 2019/18r/9
Frederick PIGGIN head M 26 bootmaker, employs 9 men & 2 women Worcester, Worcs.
Jane PIGGIN wife M 26 Dudley, Worcs.
Frederick J. PIGGIN son U 1 Wolverhampton
Thos. GIBBON lodger U 36 asst. railway sec. Essex
Eliza LOCKETT servant U 17 houseservant Shropshire

Shipston on Stour, Warwickshire registration district

Number 406
A Cotage, Whichford 2076/416/22
Ann PIGGON head W 59 pauper Whichford-War

Billesdon registration district

Number 410
Hungarton 2080/117/
Thomas PIGGIN head M 55 ag(ricultural) lab(ourer) Skeffington LEI
Ann PIGGIN wife M 50 Melton LEI
Thomas PIGGIN son U 21 ag(ricultural) lab(ourer) Houghton LEI
Daniel PIGGIN son U 18 ag(ricultural) lab(ourer) Houghton LEI
Eliza PIGGIN dau U 12 scholar Hungarton LEI
Lydia PIGGIN dau U 8 scholar Hungarton LEI
Elizabeth PIGGIN dau U 7 scholar Hungarton LEI
Scraptoft 2080/128/
Anne PIGGIN head W 73 pauper Thrussington LEI
Anne PIGGIN dau U 37 charwoman Beeby LEI
William PHUTE lodg U 23 gamekeeper Staffs. ????
Skeffington 2080/45/
Samuel PIGGIN head M 25 ag(ricultural) lab(ourer) Skeffington LEI
Mary PIGGIN wife M 23 Tilton LEI
Lydia PIGGIN wife M 57 lab(ourer)'s wife Leicester
George PIGGIN son U 22 ag(ricultural) lab(ourer) Skeffington LEI
William PIGGIN son U 20 ag(ricultural) lab(ourer) Skeffington LEI
Skeffington (elsewhere) 2080/45/--
William PIGGIN serv M 58 shepherd Skeffington LEI
Beeby 2087/623/
Ann PIGGIN head U 68 formerly laundress Beeby LEI

Barrow-on-Soar registration district

Number 416
Rearsby 2087/572/
William PIGGIN head M 26 ag(ricultural) lab(ourer) Hungarton LEI
Mary PIGGIN wife M 27 Rearsby LEI
Thomas PIGGIN son U 3 Rearsby LEI
Joseph PIGGIN son U 1 Rearsby LEI
Thomas COOPER lodg U 14 servant Rearsby LEI
William COOPER lodg U 12 servant Rearsby LEI

Leicester registration district

Number 417
Harding Street, Leicester folio not noted
Thomas PIGGIN head M 57 ag(ricultural) lab(ourer) Beeby LEI
Ann PIGGIN wife M 58 London
William PIGGIN son 16 abbey gardens Leicester

Bourne registration district

Number 422
Pickworth Road, Folkingham 2095/174r/6
George PIGGINS head M 34 bricklayer Folkingham LIN
Alice PIGGINS wife M 31 Folkingham LIN
Catherine PIGGINS dau 8 (I had variously 12 or 18 as her age) Folkingham LIN
Bourne Poor Law Union Workhouse, Bourne 2095/525r/1?
Elizabeth PIGGINS inmate 8 scholar (Tina has age 3!) Gosberton

Spalding registration district

Number 423
Church Street, Gosberton 2096/274r/42
Thomas PIGGINS head M 49 agric labourer Folkingham LIN
Ann PIGGINS wife M 45 housekeeper Gosberton LIN
another street, Gosberton 2096/294/96
John OXMAN head 52 tailor
Ann PIGGINS W 59 housekeeper Gosberton LIN
Broad Street, Spalding 2096/421v/111
Stephen DAWSON head builder employing 20 men
William PIGGINS app U 20 carpenter app. Gedney LIN
Spalding Drove, Spalding 2096/480v/16
George PIGGINS head 33 skinner North Kyme LIN
Mary PIGGINS wife 33 Barton LIN
Betsy PIGGINS dau U 10 scholar Barton
Mary Ann PIGGINS dau U 8 Barton
William PIGGINS son U 5 Gedney
Frederick PIGGINS son 2 Spalding
House of Correction, Spalding, Lincs. 2096/560
Henry BATES head governor
Richard PIGGINS prisoner U 23 labourer North Kyme LIN

Holbeach registration district

Number 424
High St, Tydd St. Mary (or Sutton St. Mary/Long Sutton?) 2097/242v/1
William PIGGINS head M 50 annuitant Gedney LIN
Elizabeth PIGGINS wife M 42 Whaplode LIN
George PIGGINS son U 19 farm labourer Gedney
Frederick PIGGINS son U 16 Gedney
Elizabeth PIGGINS dau 13 Gedney
Hester PIGGINS dau 13 Gedney
Edwin PIGGINS son 10 scholar Sutton
Hannah PIGGINS dau 9 scholar Long Sutton
David PIGGINS son 6 scholar Long Sutton
Thomas PIGGINS son 4 Long Sutton
Charles PIGGINS son 2 Long Sutton
Gedney Marsh 2097/365v/85
George PIGGINS head M 29 farmer of 207 acres employing six labourers (Tina had age 39) Gedney LIN
Mary PIGGINS wife M 36 Gedney
Mary Ann PIGGINS daughter U 11 scholar/home Gedney
Georgiana PIGGINS daughter 7 daughter/home Gedney
Eliza Jane PIGGINS daughter 6 daughter/home Gedney
John George PIGGINS son 3 farmer's son Gedney
Lucy PIGGINS daughter 11mo Gedney
six servants plus:
Betsey HAND 20 governess Croft

Boston registration district

Number 425
Algarkirk 2098/32r/91
name not transcribed head rector of Algarkirk
Mary PIGGINS servant U 30 laundrymaid Bottesford LIN

Sleaford registration district

Number 426
New Sleaford Union Work/Hse 2100/303

Grantham registration district

Number 427
Bottesford 2102/381/
Mary PIGGINS head W 63 Folkingham LIN
Frances PIGGINS dau U 29 Bottesford LEI
Belvoir 2102/442/
Lavington or Lenton 2102/76
Grantham 2103/143
149 Briggs Yard, Spittlegate, Grantham 2103/345/107
Sarah PIGGINS head U 30 dressmaker Folkingham LIN
Alfred PIGGINS son 7 scholar Spittlegate LIN
John WATSON lodger U 26 agric.labourer Barrowsby LIN

Louth registration district

Number 431
Kelstern 2112/101

Caistor registration district

Number 432
Middle Rasen 2115/147

East Retford registration district

Number 435
Church St, East Markham 2121/749/10
John PIGGINS lodger U 23 rail lab. Norwich? NFK

Basford registration district

Number 438
Piggin's Yard, Bulwell 2127/485/113
Frederick PIGGIN head agric.labourer Bulwell
Christopher PIGGIN brother agric.labourer Bulwell
Mary ROBINSON sister glovemaker Bulwell
Seen in NFHS index: could some kind soul please check the film? 2127/595
somebody PIGGER unknown
High Street, Hucknall 2127/633/9
John PIGGIN head W 56 butcher Brinsley NTT
Henry PIGGIN son M 28 Methodist New Connexion:minister of Longford circuit Hucknall
James PIGGIN son M 27 butcher Hucknall
Betty PIGGIN son's wif e 32 Ilkeston
Ann PIGGIN dau U 22 Hucknall
Mary PIGGIN niece 14 houseservant Basford
Thomas PIPER servant U 18 servant
Folly Road, Arnold 2128/133/40
Maria PIGGINS head M 61 grocer Balderton NTT
Sarah RICHARDS niece 11 scholar Arnold
Hawthorn?, Arnold bulwell.htm 2128/141/42
Samuel PIGGINS lodger M 72 framesmith Bulwell

Radford registration district

Number 439
Hyson Green and Sneinton subdistricts 2130/141v/101
John START head
Mary Ann PIGGIN servant M 44 houseservant Beeston NTT
Seen in NFHS index: could some kind soul please check the film? 2130/216
somebody PIGGIN

Nottingham registration district

Number 440/3
1 Park Place, St Mary's, Nottingham 2132/428v/90
Mary Ann PIGGINS head U 29 shoebinder North Kyme LIN
35 Broad Street, St Ann and Byron ward, Nottingham bulwell.htm 2132/561/61
Stirtevant PIGGIN head U 42 gentleman (rent) Arnold NTT
Ann BURTON servant
Number 440/7
37 Park Row, Exchange,Castle and Park wards, St Nicholas', Nottingham bulwell.htm 2133/598r/47
John (R----?) head U 67 landed ----- Red Hill NTT
Elizabeth BROWN niece M 44
William J. BROWN
Juno Roger BROWN
Elizabeth BROWN
Joseph BROWN
John S. PIGGIN nephew U 31 out-of-business (late grocer) Red Hill NTT
Elizabeth BALL servant

Newark registration district

Number 442/4
Balderton parish 2138/38/21
William WITHERS head 23
Martha PIGGINS servant U 25 houseservant Folkingham LIN

Shardlow registration district

Number 444/3
Alvaston 2140/551v/46
James PIGGIN head M 52 farm labourer Thulston DBY
Sarah PIGGIN wife M 60 domesticduties Rolleston, Staffs.
Harry HARRIS grandson 8 Alvaston
Christiana HARRIS granddau 6 Alvaston
William TOOTH nurse child 9mo (or son of nurse?) Aston-on-Trent (or Alvaston?)
Alvaston 2140/555/77
James HOLMES head 45 farmer of 20 acres
William PIGGIN servant 21 farmservant Alvaston
Thulston hamlet c~thulst.htm 2140/577/34
William PIGGIN head 67 agric.labourer Thulston
Joseph PIGGIN lodger 31 agric.labourer Thulston
Mary PIGGIN wife 31 Hartshorn DBY
William PIGGIN son 9 scholar Winsrope DBY
Arthur PIGGIN son 8 Winsrope
Martha J. PIGGIN dau 7 Thulston
Thomas PIGGIN son 4 Thulston
Jane PIGGIN dau 2 Thulston
Joseph PIGGIN son 14mo Thulston
Thulston c~thulst.htm 2140/580/63
Josiah PIGGIN head W 57 agric.labourer Thulston
Hannah PIGGIN dau U 19 domestic duties
Lucas? WOODWARD son-in-law M 27 agric.labourer
Sarah PIGGIN son-in-law's wife M 26 domestic duties
Mary A. WOODWARD dau 1
Number 444
Seen in NFHS index: could some kind soul please check the film? 2141/181
somebody PIGGIN

Derby registration district

Number 445
46 Friar Gate //
William BAKER head M silk merchant London
Eliza PIGGINS servant U 19 housemaid Bottesford LEI

Belper registration district

Number 446/1
Quarndon 2144/46r/51
Thomas PIGGING head W 60 agric.labourer Thulston DBY
Alfreton 2145/331r/89
Samuel PIGGIN head M 48 gardener Alfreton
Sarah PIGGIN wife M 41 Alfreton
Sarah STRETTON niece 7 visitor Belper
Alfreton 2145/p23/101
William PIGGIN head U 35 lab(oure)r Alfreton
Lydia PIGGIN aunt U 73 housekeeper Ashover DBY

Ashbourne registration district

Number 447/6
Town End, Bonsall, Brassington 2146/716/104
John SELLARS head 51 freeholder
Mary PIGGINS servant U 21 Crich DBY

The page references above are unfortunately inconsistent. In many cases I have noted whether the front or back of the folio is meant (r=recto=front, v=verso=back) and then given the schedule number of the household.

Compiled since 1992. Revised May 1994, July 1997 and May 1998.

Extractions by Jean-Baptiste Piggin, Jill Mowbray, June Pedley, Brenda Dodsworth, Ross Piggin White, David Burgess, Christina Negus, Paul Taylor and Martin Hipperson.

Electronic sources include: 1851 British Census (Devon, Norfolk and Warwick only) on CD-ROM.

Printed sources include: Piece HO107/1812: PAGE, R., Census of Norwich 1851, Parish of St. George Colegate (with Norfolk Genealogy, vol VII, 1983). Piece HO107/1813: PALGRAVE-MOORE, Patrick,Census of Norwich 1851, Part 2 (Norfolk Genealogy, Vol IX).

© Jean-Baptiste Piggin 2000-2009

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